1980 Honda CM400 Scrambler Budget Build Part 5: Paint

Painting a bike is always a love-hate relationship for me.  On the one hand, I really do enjoy designing a paint scheme to establish the identity of a project.  On the other hand, I absolutely despise the actual process of painting.  As any painter will tell you, the quality of the paint job is allContinue reading “1980 Honda CM400 Scrambler Budget Build Part 5: Paint”

1980 Honda CM400 Scrambler Budget Build Part 4: Seat

Let me just start off by saying the seat itself turned out to be one of the longer portions of a bike-build even though it required less heavy tools.  There is A LOT that goes into a custom seat, especially when it’s not your specialty. That’s why it’s getting a full post to itself. WithContinue reading “1980 Honda CM400 Scrambler Budget Build Part 4: Seat”

1980 Honda CM400 Scrambler Budget Build Part 3: Seat Pan, Gauge, Handlebars

Something about a Minnesota winter can really bring out the best or the worst in my motivation to work on a project.  When I first started the scrambler, it was meant to be a good way to occupy my mind during the cold months.  But after I got it, we had an unexpected warm spreeContinue reading “1980 Honda CM400 Scrambler Budget Build Part 3: Seat Pan, Gauge, Handlebars”

1980 Honda CM400 Scrambler Budget Build – Part 2: Fenders and Frame

When I had left off the last blog, the rear fender had just been cut out and it was time to move onto other areas of the bike.  Keeping towards the back end, the next piece I wanted to add was a new bar frame for the eventual seat as well as creating an integratedContinue reading “1980 Honda CM400 Scrambler Budget Build – Part 2: Fenders and Frame”

1980 Honda CM400 Scrambler Budget Build – Part 1: Teardown and Early Fabrication.

If you are anything like me, the thought of starting a first bike build can be daunting.  Sure, there are a lot of bike videos on youtube that show you a quick run-down of the build, but they are generally in well setup shops with all the right tools.  When I first embarked on myContinue reading “1980 Honda CM400 Scrambler Budget Build – Part 1: Teardown and Early Fabrication.”

Climbing Out of the Winter Blues

Winter in Minnesota can be long, cold, and quite frankly, boring.  It doesn’t get enough snow for fun activities to make the cold worth it.  It also doesn’t have mild days in order to get out unless ice fishing is your thing (it is NOT mine).  So, what is one to do to stave offContinue reading “Climbing Out of the Winter Blues”