

MyStore.com is a platform designed to highlight USA entrepreneurs and offer a curated selection of goods. Each vendor has a unique story and the overall theme and flow of the site was designed to match that. It was my job to define the look and flow of the overall site.

Programs: Adobe PS, Adobe AI, Figma, Magento 2.0

MyPillow Digital Marketing

During the holiday season, MyPillow runs their biggest sales of the year. They had become accustomed to more of a bland marketing style that I wanted to update to create more feel-good vibes. Each square for PPC campaigns were designed to flow with each other and relate to the landing page that accompanied them.

Programs: Adobe PS, Adobe AI, Unbounce, Facebook Ads Manager

JC Customs

These were a series of photographs used for marketing and display prior to this site ever being created. They were both meant to display the creativity of the motorcycles themselves, but also be engaging for new viewers. Each bike was custom designed and painted using automotive applications to fit their rider’s personalities.

MyPillow Packaging

When I first started at MyPillow, their packaging had no cohesion or graphic standards. The first task was to create new design guidelines that could easily be followed including logo use, typography, colors, and layout. The MyPillow blue was updated after working closely with the CEO for his specific tastes as well as originally focusing on the box designs for retail. Marketing also wanted each product line to have it’s own specific color associated with it (MyPillow Blue, Travel Pillow Green, Topper Lavender etc.)

Programs: Adobe PS, Adobe AI, Adobe ID, Blender 3D

Cabela’s Apparel

Cabela’s is known as “The World’s Foremost Outfitter” and it was essential to convey the outdoor lifestyle throughout their apparel line.

Programs: Adobe PS, Adobe AI

MyPillow / MyStore Trade Show Booth

This trade show booth was designed to be modular so that it could be adjusted to fit multiple floor plans. Sales wanted an open area for foot traffic while also displaying the most popular products for retail.

Programs: Adobe PS, Adobe AI, Blender 3D

Monster Jam World Finals

During my time at Logo Capital, I had the chance to work with Feld Motorsports on some fun and cool tees for their Monster Jam series. These were for their World Finals that are held in Las Vegas each year. The gambling motif is seen throughout.

Programs: Adobe PS, Adobe AI, T-Seps